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Are these nerves or excitement?

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

I once read that humans have trouble distinguishing between excitement and anxiety. The chemical feeling is said to be so similar in our bodies, that they can often be confused with each other. (

I'm sure anyone who was has ever studied at some point in their life has experienced both of these. I often find for me that as I'm starting anything new, my excitement quickly turns to anxiety if I'm not careful, and can be detrimental to my goals. So I wanted to share quickly with you the things that help me avoid anxiety and maintain excitement.

Being present -

Don't get up in the future and "what ifs", instead focus on the task at hand and enjoy what I'm presently doing. If my mind starts to wander, which is usually does, focus on my breathing, the feeling of the weather, the seat I'm sitting on, or get up and get a glass of cold water and pay attention to how cold it is.

Meditating daily -

I downloaded the smiling app, and I plan on using it. In fact its part of my daily routine after I finish studies for the day. Meditation can help you relax, but also keep you in the present.

Going to Gym and sleeping properly -

we sit a lot when studying, and if we don't exercise often enough that unused energy has to go somewhere, which can affect our sleeping patterns. There is nothing worse then being kept awake at night because you have too much energy. I find that going every 3-5 days to gym is enough to keep my body in shape but my sleep at night nice and deep. after a day at the gym, my mind is super focused for studies and when it turns about 10pm, I'm ready to hit the sack and pass out. For mum's and dad's however, this is much harder to achieve as time is far more are superhero's, every single one of you.

Eating healthy -

it's so important to eat healthy. when you do, you have more energy, feel better about yourself, and in turn, more confident. For more information about the importance of confidence be sure to watch the video martin has linked in the introduction and chapter 1. I've also got a link included below.

Keeping a routine as much as possible -

again this is hard to achieve when your a parent studying and working full can you possibly prepare for when your child has the flu, all your plans go up into the air. The plan that I have developed for myself, is for me, and while unexpected circumstances are bound to happen, its a personal plan that takes into consideration as much about me and my life as possible.

Scheduling Rest into my study plans -

Enough said. If my weekly study planner doesn't have enough rest time scheduled for myself, then I'll burn out. It's a trial and error process and if I need to reset it, so be it, but rest is very important. Especially for my old brain.

Playing Guitar -

if you have any hobbies do them. Remember life's not all study, work and stress. It's meant to be fun too. take the time to schedule some hobbies for yourself in your study planner. (this is not your rest time scheduled either)

Talking about it -

Yeah I could be better at this. I find talking really does help. Which is why I wrote this blog. Now that I have checked everything I've done, I excitement is excitement and not anxiety. I'm well prepared, got as much planned as I possibly can, and I'm ready to tackle my first year at uni.

Good luck everyone and thanks for reading.

Here is some links and books you may also find useful

(The benefits of being present: Mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being.

By Brown, Kirk Warren,Ryan, Richard M. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 84(4), Apr 2003, 822-848)

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Aug 07, 2020

Hey Christie thanks for stopping by and for the kind feedback. It’s very much appreciated. Thank you and I hope you have a great day.


Christie Ireland
Christie Ireland
Aug 07, 2020

Hi Brendan, so much information on your company. I enjoyed reading it. Online subscriptions really are a deadly end to the printed paper. I'd prefer the printed edition!

I think your right about the dividends, they dont seem to care enough about putting money back into the business. Good job.

PS. This blog must have taken you hours! its fantastic. I can even attach a blog to my assignment tab.haha.


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