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Welcome :)

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

Hi and thanks again for stopping by. I'm Brendan and studying ACCT11059 - bachelor of accounting and financial planning and welcome to my blog. This is my first year at studying at university and for so long now it has always been a dream of mine. I focused heavily on my career in my younger years and I thought that by working hard was the best way to get to the top. This attitude certainly helps you gain many promotions, but without a higher education it can really only take you so far. I need a solid foundation to which I can build upon my chosen career path.

I have much experience in Management such as corporate mid tier level management, sales management, area management, and I've also been a National BDM at one stage managing teams all across Australia. I have an excellent amount of experience in analysing PnL statements, but never actually performing the accounting side of things. So it will be very interesting and beneficial for me to learn accounting.

I'm studying Financial planning because I'm really passionate about helping people achieve their long term financial goals and giving them options to obtain financial freedom. I'm also passionate about the stock market and a fairly experienced stock trader. My goals are to be a hedge fund manager, or maybe a CFO for a mining company. If I put in the hard work, who knows what kind of results I can achieve with a solid education in my bag of tricks. The bachelor of Accounting and Financial Planning really appeals to me as its almost like 2 careers in one degree that are both relevant to my goals.

Thanks again for stopping by, feel free to comment and I wish you all the best with your educational journey.


P.S. Thats my dog daisy, she's a cheeky bugger.

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