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Studiosity and my top 3 favourite blogs.

My Experience with Studiosity was brilliant. It’s incredible to have support like this where we as students can seek further assistance and guidance when writing our assessments. I haven’t written an assignment for a while, so being correct on the use of my Grammer and punctuation is very useful. Apparently, I, use, the comma too often. Haha who would’ve known. I also received feedback for summarising my conclusion better. This is a great service to have and I feel very lucky that this is offered at CQ Uni. I will be using this service more often.

Christie is one of my favourite blogs because of the content and the way she writes. I liked the really cool GIF’s and the background with all the water flowing, it gave the blog a nice relaxing feel and It felt quite serene. I enjoyed reading her blogs, they are very honest which gives it a personal touch. The assignment 1 and assignment 2 sections where you could download the PDF’s and spreadsheets is a great idea. I love this layout, and I hope she doesn’t mind, I’m going to use a couple of her layout ideas.

I love this blog because of it’s personality. As soon as I saw heavy metal and avenged sevenfold, I immediately added this to my favourite blogs. I grew up listening to all types of metal. Its in my blood. It’s who I am. I can totally relate to this blog. I found the company information about George fischer to be thorough and I appreciated her honest KCQ’s around not knowing how to read the annual reports. I mean after all we are here to learn. I feel her blog is very open about her willingness and desire to learn. Plus I’m a bit of a nerd too, so I can relate to that.

I loved the image header at the top of this blog. The way the black background smooths into the white beneath it where the blogs are all listed. It has a similar layout and feel to my blog except that it is much better. I absolutely loved the dog gif in her ass step 3-5 draft section. Anything dog gif usually wins me over. I also liked her analysis on her company in her drafts. The Top glove name as she highlighted made me chuckle as well, and her assessment of the increase in sales due to covid has material weight behind it. While it’s unfortunate to read about the negative circumstances surrounding the company, it shows the time and effort that has been put into the research. That’s why this is one of my favourite blogs.

After reading so many blogs, I'm more motivated and excited. Thanks for sharing.

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Hi thanks so much for stopping by and for the awesome feedback. Wow, I'm in the top 3, thats exciting:) thank you so much, it's very appreciated. Feel free to leave your blog link here too and I will be sure to comment on your blogs. Thanks again, have a great day.



My top 3 blog picks

a. Your blog.

‘Heavy metal Rock Dude’. Really cool site. A fair bit of effort has been put into the layout and information. It looks absolutely fabulous and hot metallic. Easy flow of information. Awesome blogger. 

b.       Kellie's blog 

Pretty neat. Simple but impressive. Easy to navigate and has an interesting feel. Good blogger as well.

c.       Billie's blog 

Well  laid out design, it is pleasant and easy on eyes. It is not cluttered and easy to navigate. Good blogger.

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